Guilty Pleasure Gossip Spot! :)
Monday, August 6, 2012
Stevie J's Therapy session with Mimi Faust and Joseline Hernandez turned out to be Fight Night! Joseline vs Stevie J!!
OLYMPIAN: Gabby Douglas on making history, her hair?? and now her parents personal finances??What!!
August 2, 2012, myself along with many worldwide was so excited and happy to see 16 year old Gabby Douglas from Virginia Beach Virginia make world history for winning the Gold Medal for the prestigious individual all around event as well as taking home the gold with the U.S Olympics women's team! Gabby has wowed the world with her amazing skills and effortless form! So I would like to know how in the hell did the discussion go from outstanding Olympian to her hair??? And now new disgusting reports are revealing information in regards to her parents finances! What???
I'm not one to run from a good discussion so let's talk about it! :) O.k, Gabby was born to be an Olympian! Since she was a little girl, she showed a love for gymnastics. By the time she was 6 years old her mother, Natalie Hawkins help nurture her daughters dream. Gabby began formal gymnastics training, and by the age of 8 years old, Gabby won a state Championship! In 2010, Gabby moved away from her hometown to further her dream. Training with world renowned Olympic trainer Liang Chow, she mastered her skills and was selected to compete with the 2012 Women's Gymnastic Team at the 2012 Summer Olympics. And as we all know, she has made world history for becoming the 1st African American female to win the all around event! Outstanding Gabby!!
After all of the celebrating and accolades that young Gabby experienced on the day of great victory, Gabby gets home and goes to her computer, googles her name, to find that many are having a good ole time cracking jokes about her hair, instead of appreciating that she has just accomplished something that no one has ever done before!
"I don't know where this is coming from. What's wrong with my hair? I'm like, I just made history and people are focused on my hair? It can be bald or short, it doesn't matter about hair. Nothing is going to change, I'm going to wear my hair like this during beam and bar finals. You might as well just stop talking about it. I don't think people should be worried about that, we're all champions and we're all winners. I just say that it's kind of, a stupid and crazy thought to think about my hair." said Douglas.
I 100% agree with you Gabby! You said it best! Personally, I see nothing wrong with your hair. It looks like the timeless pulled back look that all gymnast wear! What the hell? This young 16 year old has just made history!! Who cares about her pulled back hair that is in a pony tail, that when looking at it, could use some gel, a little holding spray, stronger relaxer, and a little less oil!! Just kidding folks. :)
Word around the rumor mills is that Scrappy proposed marriage to long time on and off girlfriend and mother to his only child, Erica Dixon at the L&HHATL reunion taping. The night was said to have been high with emotions and several altercations took place between feuding cast members. Including Erica Dixon and Scrappy's "best friend" and sex buddy Shay "Buckee" Johnson. Scrappy and his mother, the infamous Mama Dee, has accused Erica in the past of being, hard and having a disconnect when it comes to loving emotions. After witnessing Mama Dee consistently babying Scrappy, it is clear why Scrappy feels as though any woman that doesn't give him the doting over that Mama Dee does is lacking loving emotions. After leaving Erica again due to her "lack of loving emotions" Scrappy hooks up with his "best friend for 4 years" Shay "Buckee" Johnson, known for her stint on Flavor of Love 2. Now if this is your best friend for 4 years, why didn't Erica know this? Erica said that every time Scrappy gets down and out he runs to her for love and support, but when the money shows up, he's out the door to the next chic as he did prior to the show with Diamond of Crime Mob. Now lately Shay has been on VH1 claiming Scrappy as being hers and referring to Erica as STUPID, and I qoute, "HE'S MINE BIZ-NY-EE!!" What does that mean? Any-who (in Erica Dixon's voice) the night of the taping, Scrappy supposedly apologized to Shay for leading her on, and informed her that he was in love with the mother of his child Erica Dixon. Shay is said to have got into a brawl with Erica behind it and burst into tears. Personally I saw the Red Flags from their interactions on the show. All of Scrappy and Shay's conversations seemed to be about Erica, and Shay giving him advice on how to deal with the issues between himself and Erica. The light should have went off in Shay's head then that this man focuses a lot of his attention on Erica. Erica is supposedly said to have said Yes to Scrappy's proposal. All I can say is Erica think long and hard before creating a family unit with Mama Dee and Scrappy. How does that old saying go: Burn me once, shame on you, Burn me twice, shame on me! This is a far stretch from Scrappy's original claims of what he said he was going to do on the reunion special, which was to expose some dirt on Erica. Grow up Scrappy! Still, If these rumors are true and Scrappy and Erica are headed to the alter, then Congratulations and I wish you both happiness, love, and success!! YA' FEEL ME!!
I'm not one to run from a good discussion so let's talk about it! :) O.k, Gabby was born to be an Olympian! Since she was a little girl, she showed a love for gymnastics. By the time she was 6 years old her mother, Natalie Hawkins help nurture her daughters dream. Gabby began formal gymnastics training, and by the age of 8 years old, Gabby won a state Championship! In 2010, Gabby moved away from her hometown to further her dream. Training with world renowned Olympic trainer Liang Chow, she mastered her skills and was selected to compete with the 2012 Women's Gymnastic Team at the 2012 Summer Olympics. And as we all know, she has made world history for becoming the 1st African American female to win the all around event! Outstanding Gabby!!
After all of the celebrating and accolades that young Gabby experienced on the day of great victory, Gabby gets home and goes to her computer, googles her name, to find that many are having a good ole time cracking jokes about her hair, instead of appreciating that she has just accomplished something that no one has ever done before!
"I don't know where this is coming from. What's wrong with my hair? I'm like, I just made history and people are focused on my hair? It can be bald or short, it doesn't matter about hair. Nothing is going to change, I'm going to wear my hair like this during beam and bar finals. You might as well just stop talking about it. I don't think people should be worried about that, we're all champions and we're all winners. I just say that it's kind of, a stupid and crazy thought to think about my hair." said Douglas.
I 100% agree with you Gabby! You said it best! Personally, I see nothing wrong with your hair. It looks like the timeless pulled back look that all gymnast wear! What the hell? This young 16 year old has just made history!! Who cares about her pulled back hair that is in a pony tail, that when looking at it, could use some gel, a little holding spray, stronger relaxer, and a little less oil!! Just kidding folks. :)
To add insult to injury our ever probing nosie ass TMZ folks are looking all through Natalie Hawkins, the mother of Gabby Douglas's personal affairs and exposing it for the world to see. SMDH!! Reporting that she filed for bankruptcy and several other financial issues in vast detail! This is ridiculous! First of all that is none of our business about Natalie's finances, secondly and most importantly, at the end of the day Ms. Gabby Douglas with all of her outstanding talent has endorsement deals coming at her left, right, up and down and stands to make millions of dollars! Her mother did what she had to do to insure that her daughter lived her life doing what she loves, and sometimes that means sacrifices, emotionally as well as financially. Great job Natalie Hawkins! And I must say that all of your sacrifices has paid off, and any financial struggles that you have had to endure are behind you now and I wish you, Gabby, and the rest of your family nothing but the very best!
Did Scrappy propose to Erica Dixon and Dump Shay "Buckee" Johnson at the L&HHATL Reunion taping?
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Love and Hip Hop ATL : Is Mimi Faust still with Stevie J?
Check out this interview Mimi did with Hot 97!
Since the first episode of L&HHATL, reality star and R&B singer K. Michelle made accusations that her former ex-boyfriend who she did not name on the episode,but eventually made known through several radio interviews that Memphitz, former Executive of Jive records, and husband to Toya Wright ,(Lil Wayne's ex wife for those who didn't know) physically assaulted K. Michelle during their relationship! K. Michelle also accused Memphitz of running through 2 million dollars of her deal loan on material items such as cars, chains, and clothing. In a recent interview with TT Torezz, Memphitz denied all allegations, stating that K. Michelle is crazy and is telling lies. Memphitz in short said that he was attempting to end the relationship
"I am Stevie J's daughter's mother," Mimi hesitantly introduced herself to listners at Hot 97. And she did not say girlfriend! This is Promising! Throughout the interview, she still seems to conduct herself as if their is some resentment, and sometimes resentment means I haven't let go yet. Mimi stated that she was with Stevie J for 15 years, and then when asked where did Eve fit in? Mimi quickly intervened and said that she was not with him during that time and that Joseline is going around saying that Stevie had all of these kids on her. Mimi still has her focus on Joseline Hernandez. Clearly it takes time for the heart to heal from a break up especially when it has been aired by choice, mind you, on national television for the world to see. Mimi also seemingly implemented that Media take out pretty much made a story up about her paying her own tab for dinner that she and Stevie J had just last week. Adamantly stating that she would never pay for her own meal while she is with Stevie J! Was this Mimi's way of letting the world know that she is still seeing Stevie J? I don't know. Stevie J and Joseline are very open about their relationship. I hope Mimi has enough love for herself to move forward and pursue some one who is on the same page as her, but something tells me that if Stevie J wants Mimi, all he has to do is say, I love you and show her some attention, and she will be playdough in his hands again. I hope I'm wrong.
The radio host love to interview, but always claim they never watch the show! PLEASE! "Any who" (In Erica Dixons voice) Ms. Joseline and Stevie J are on the move! Clearly his mind is on Ms. Joseline and her career! I personally believe that he has asked her to be his wife, but can't reveal anything to soon due to the airing of L&HHATL still being in progress. If he has, all I can say is Good luck with Stevie J Ms.Joseline, Gaurd your heart and stock up on condoms!!
K. Michelle makes threats towards Toya Wright (Lil Wayne's ex wife) NO SHE DIDN'T!
with K. Michelle because of her consistent jealousy and outrageous outburst in front of important colleagues when he was in the middle of conducting business. Memphitz shared that when he went to K. Michelle's hotel room to inform her that it was over, she started throwing things at him, hitting him and screaming to the top of her lungs for all the hotel visitors to hear. Memphitz admitted to restraining her and putting his hands over her mouth to quiet her down, but stated that he never hit her, and nor does he have a history of being abusive to women. As we have seen from recent clips on L&HHATL, K.Michelle does appear to have a lack of self control and is constantly letting the world know when she is having a tissy fit over something, and I quote, "I ain't nobodies punk, I'm from Memphis! My momma told me talk sh*t and get hit!" It was clear when K. Michelle had an altercation with aspiring artist, Karlie Redd during a luncheon put together by Mimi Faust that any little thing could set her off. Although Karlie approached her with decency, K. Michelle immediately started hurling insults about Karlie Redd's derriere. Basically telling her that her butt is lopsided referring to them as "lumps" as well as making comments about her age and lack of talent. As things got heated, Karlie became angry and shook the table, and right before hitting Karlie with the neatly wrapped up eating utinsels that hit her smack dead on the forhead, K. Michelle stated, "THIS HO SHAKING THE TABLE.!!DON'T SHAKE UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET SHOOK!" Or something to that affect! K. Michelle's actions on L&HHATL, has given me reason to have some suspicions in the truth of these accusations that she has made towards Memphitz! What does all this have to do with Toya? Well, Toya supposedly retweeted a tweet from one of her followers that went something like this, "You and your husband have been married for a whole year and now all of a sudden Ol'Girl want to accuse people of abuse. " This did not sit well with hot tempered K.Michelle. Check out what she had to say to Toya, from a recent private Press Party in NYC!
No the hell she didn't!! Sounds like jealousy to me!! And again proven her reputation for being crazy and incapable of containing her emotions to be TRUE!!! Toya all I can say is, when you can clearly see that someone has a psychological problem, it's just best to pray for them and practice non reaction because she clearly needs prayer!! But the girl can Sang!!! And I would definitely check out her music!! It's Ironic that K. Michelle is calling out Toya while at the same time promoting the remix of remake Lil' Wayne's How to Love? She sounds great! :) Small world
Let's Laugh!! :) Love and Hip Hop Spoof!!
I found this video while surfing You tube! Spoof of Love and Hip Hop ATL Break out stars! Very Funny! However, I do not, nor have I ever thought Joseline Hernandez was a man, but the clip is funny and I must share it!!
DaGangHouse are American Emcee's from New Orleans Louisiana.
Considered a family, that consist of brothers, cousins, and close friends , Rugga, Dev, MoneyMitch, VonnLee, and Stacks passion for creating music that expresses the stories of their environment and their dreams began at an early age. In 2005, after Hurricane Katrina, DaGangHouse known then as RastaGang created and distributed a mixtape off of a Laptop and a Ten dollar mic from Wally World that recieved street Love from Louisiana to Mississippi. With such positive feedback from the public, DaGang began to master their craft. Rugga and Dev (brothers) created a homemade studio, and from the depths of Rugga's mind a new sound of hiphop began to emerge. Now armed with original banging beats, Dev, Stacks, MoneyMitch, and VonnLee's passion for the art is a perfect combination for their first album.."DaGangHouse"! Their lyrical genuise is clever, raw, and expresses the voice of New Orleans streetlife in the new decade! Their creative works represent the essence of Hip hop culture, which is the freedom to express yourself however you choose.
Dev-Video Production, Emcee
Rugga-Music Producer, Emcee
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